Guess what guys?
My computer died!... yay...
So there will be no more work on any music, (I had a fun little song allmost done too.) at least not for a while.
Life sucks
None ATM
Parent's Basement
Joined on 12/13/07
Posted by Hanure - January 3rd, 2008
ok so my submission was crap, yes.
It didn't synch up at all, and I really need to spend a few dozen hours trying to get any sort of synch on it. Fairly soon I hope to have a demo track of different sound effects that I am making.
Currently, I have a smallish sounding zap, a good fireballish sound, a flight of arrows, and something that vaugly sounds like a dragon snoring. (My brother thought it was laughing...)
I'm currently working on a gremlin/goblin/small creature hopefully green, laugh.
Posted by Hanure - December 22nd, 2007
ok, so I'm trying to get some work together for the audio portal, but I am currently unsure if I'm going to be able to until a little past the new year. I might also want to work with some animators in the future if they want to animate some songs that I am writing.
Other than that there isn't much going on here.